Cerje Tužno
Brick Factory
Ciglana Cerje Tužno d.o.o. (LLC) is a Company that is engaged in the production and sale of brick products for load-bearing, partition walls and ceiling elements.
Modern and
Today the Cerje Tužno Brick Factory produces UNITHERM-trademarked bricks made from pure clay without any additives utilising the latest technology, making our production process the most environmentally friendly, healthy and natural.
Brick making, as an economic activity, has 100 years of tradition in Cerje Tužno. The Old Brick Factory at Cerje Tužno produced bricks until the Second World War, when it was destroyed. After the War the kiln was rebuilt in the 1950s and brick production continued.

Hand-formed large-format bricks were produced at the Cerje Tužno Brick Factory

Manual loading of solid bricks from wheelbarrows onto railway trucks. Most bricks were transported on industrial tracks.

Manual loading of solid bricks from wheelbarrows onto railway trucks. Most bricks were transported on industrial tracks.

A panorama of the Cerje Tužno Brick Factory after demolition of the ‘small’ circular kiln)

Clay was excavated using a cable excavator to remove it upwards from the slopes, and downwards which created a pond that was gradually filled with water. The clay was transported using Transport kip-trucks and a small diesel locomotive.

Transportation of freshly-formed blocks to drying area took place on wooden shelves and utilised hydraulic grippers mounted on motorised coal trucks (‘ogo-kuli’), first to natural drying areas (sheds) and then later in the first artificial drier in the country.

Initially oil-powered this has now been supplanted by gas. Stacking of dry blocks in a circular kiln for firing.

The Factory of Facing Bricks was built and commissioned, making it, at the time, the most modern facility in Croatia.

The appearance of the Old Brick Factory before production was moved to the new Factory of Facing Bricks across the road.